Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Bug is ONE!!

Dear Bug,

It has been ever so long since I've written to you, so I have a lot to say in this letter.  Since I last wrote, you turned one year old!  I can't believe what a big boy you are!  But, you'll always be my baby.

You can do so much now.  You've mastered crawling and you race all around the house super fast.  You always go for Clyde's water dish or for any glasses or soda bottles on our little end table.  Daddy and I try to catch you, but you're too quick.  When you start to go for our stuff, Daddy says, "It's Devo!  Hide your stuff!"  That's from a movie where Devo was a thief.  It's pretty funny.

You are also a FABULOUS dancer.  Whenever you feel the beat - I mean really feel it, deep in your bones - you stick your right hand in the air, hold up your pointer finger and rock back and forth on your butt while simultaneously waving your raised arm.  Sometimes, if the beat grabs you while you're standing holding on to something, you bend your right knee and pulse it really fast, making your cute little hiney bounce.  It's awesome.  You dance to anything at all - your sing along songs, Mommy's ringtone, a TV commercial, or Justin Bieber.  You never can tell what will strike your fancy and bring out the dancing bug!

Sleeping and eating have greatly improved, too.  Your naps are now twice a day for one hour and usually at the same time every day.  You now sleep almost totally through the night - as long as you're next to Mommy.  You start out in your crib, but an hour or so later you cry for Mommy.  Once I bring you to bed with me, you pass out for the rest of the night, with the occasional wake up and scootching in the wee hours.  You don't eat anymore in the middle of the night.  When you do eat, though, you choose a wider variety of foods.  Puffs of all flavors seem to be your favorite, but you also enjoy yogurt bites, little graham crackers and Cheerios.  Since you have seven teeth you can chew some things.  I've started cutting up your fruit and vegetables instead of giving  you only purees.  You seem to like it.  You've also had chicken that Daddy cooked, some rice and some couscous.  Whatever you don't like, you throw on the floor.  Good thing Clyde is around to clean up.

Your favorite games include the "Bug Dunk" with Daddy, where he lifts you in the air and you dunk your basketball into the hoop you got for your birthday.  You are also a fan of emptying things out of buckets or baskets, then putting them back in.  If I try to help you, you grunt at me, or you babble something loud and wag your finger at me.  I guess emptying things and putting them back is a "Bug-only" activity.  You throw everything and laugh, which is cute but potentially harmful to others and to expensive stuff in the house.  We'll have to work on distinguishing what can be thrown and what can't be thrown.  We also still go to Storytime and see Mazi and Anna for play dates.  You love to see your little friends.

You babble an awful lot.  Like, constantly.  Sometimes Daddy and I think we can make out some words here and there, but not really.  Dr. Ross says you'll be talking soon, though.  I can't wait to hear all the things Bug has to say!

Your first birthday party was so much fun, Bug.  We had a picnic at the park behind our house and invited all your friends.  Grandpa barbequed and made balloon animals and Grandma did pretty much everything else.  The theme was, of course, bugs!  We had little bugs on each table, and Aunt Warnie made you an AWESOME cupcake cake that was shaped like the hungry caterpillar.  Your friends all came to the party, and your cousin Sophia also came down from New York to celebrate!  You got really messy eating your birthday cupcake and got so many presents.  Mommy and Daddy got you a quilt that was made out of some of your baby clothes.  I think you liked it.  All in all, your party was a rocking bash, dude. 

The biggest thing that's happened since I last wrote you is that you took your first steps!!  Yay Bug!!  Daddy and I were helping you walk (which means you grab onto our fingers and start moving super fast - you want to do this ALL THE TIME.  It's rather exhausting).  Daddy helped you walk toward Mommy, then let go of your fingers.  You took three steps all by yourself and fell into my arms.  We were so happy for you!  And we were so glad that we got to see your first steps.  Daddy and I were afraid we'd be at work and miss it.  So thanks for deciding to walk on a Saturday!

I love you so much, Bug.  You have made this past year the happiest of my life.
