Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Bug at 8 Months

Dear Bug,

Yesterday you turned 8 months old.  Yay!  You are growing at bionic speed, and you're learning new things every day.  There have been so many changes this month and I can't even believe what a big boy you are.  My little Bug!

You can sit up all by yourself now!  It's so cool - I just put your hiney down on the floor and lay some toys out in front of you, and you can sit and play for hours.  You mastered that skill overnight it seems - one day you were flopping over onto me, and the next day you were able to stay upright all by yourself!  I always knew you'd be a freaking genius with incredible core strength.  Just like your Mom.  

You also got two teeth this month!  You were acting like such a crab-apple for about a week - you would be happy for about five minutes and then would start whining for no reason.  Daddy and I would make sure you were fed and dry and well-rested, but you were still unhappy!  Then you put the Stink Nose on Daddy during one of your wrestling matches, and you really hurt Daddy's nose.  So I checked your gums, and, sure enough, you had two little teeth poking through!  You stopped acting like a crab-apple after that.  But, you still have to grow 18 more teeth, so I'm expecting the crab-apple-ness to return.  But, whatevs.

You've also learned a new trick - you can do "So Big!"  When I ask you, "How big is Nolan?" you put both of your hands over your head and I say, "So Big!"  You only do this sometimes because, after all, you're not a trained monkey.  But it's awesome when you cooperate.  You also started eating Mum-Mums, which are these cracker things.  They end up everywhere, but you love them.  I really like them, too, cause they're super tasty.  So I eat whatever doesn't make it in your mouth.  We're a great team that way.

You're not exactly ready to crawl yet, but you can get on your hands and knees and rock back and forth.  I bet in your 9 month update I'll be able to say that you're crawling.  To be honest, though, I'm not looking forward to it.  I like that when I set you down in one place, you'll pretty much stay there (though you may be all turned around, since you can "spin" on your belly).  Crawling will make you harder to track.  I may have to install a chip in your neck.

I don't think there were many other firsts this month.  Daddy and I took you to the park on the first warm day this month, and you went on the swings and down the slide.

I think the whole thing might have been more fun for Daddy and me, though.  As you know, Daddy loves slides, and Mommy is a big fan of swings.  We were super excited to take you to the park, and, though you seemed to enjoy it, I don't think the park made you super psyched.  Oh, well.

So, that's you at 8 months, Buggy!  You are the sweetest boy in the whole world, and I love you more than anything.
I love you to the moon, and back!

Love, Mommy

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Working Mommy

Dear Bug,

It's been awhile since I've written to you!  I'm sorry, but work has been kind of busy the last two weeks.  I spend my days poring over cases and regulations and writing responses to pleadings - I almost never get to write you a letter or look at your cute little face in the pictures I have on my computer.  I push myself so hard during the day, though, so I can be home in time for your dinner and - of course - bedtime.  I can't, and won't, miss that for the world.

All this working has gotten me thinking about being a working mom.  I always intended to have a career - a successful career - and worked my whole life to get where I am today.  Mommy went to college, then graduate school, and finally law school, and worked her butt off for years so that she could be a successful career-woman.  I always thought women who stayed at home were kind of lame and set the Women's Rights Movement back a few paces (this is not to be taken as a criticism of your grandmother, however, who stayed home with Mommy and Aunt Warnen when we were little - we think grandma rocks!).  I used to go out with a boy in high school whose mom stayed home and I always felt so bad for her - like her life was boring and meaningless.  I swore I would never let that happen to me.  I wouldn't let my mind go to waste and I would make a difference in this world, come hell or high water.  So I worked and worked, and got good grades and went to nice, expensive schools and became an environmental lawyer.  I landed a good job and make a nice living.  I'm involved in a prestigious profession and am surrounded by people who care about having careers.  I reached the goal I've had since I was a little girl.  But...

But then you were born.  Even before I was pregnant with you I intended to be a full-time working mom.  I was not going to let all the years and money I spent on school go to waste.  I was not going to lose who I was to become a stay-at-home mom.  I wasn't going to spend my days watching children's television or talking baby talk or whatever.  When I went out with my friends I was going to have more to talk about than poopy diapers or teething.  I wasn't going to "lose myself" in motherhood.  That was the intention, even when you were growing in my belly.  I can't believe now how greatly I failed to understand what being a mother would really mean.

I was lucky enough to get 12 weeks of maternity leave after you were born.  So, for three months it was just you and me, all day, every day.  I absolutely dreaded going back to work because I LOVED the time you and I spent together.  We had our own little routine down, and I don't remember a time in my life when I was happier.  The day I started back to work, Daddy put you in your carseat to take you to Eliana's, and I just cried.  I cried all the way to work and through a good portion of the day.  I almost killed myself on the parkway that afternoon getting home to you.  And when I finally got there I hugged you so tight and didn't let you go the rest of the night.  For the first two weeks back to work I cried nearly every morning, mostly in the car on the way to the office so Daddy wouldn't see.  Even now, I get really sad the night before my workweek is about to start because I know how much I'll miss you.

Since I've been back to work, I've realized a few things.  First, I know I would give up everything - my great job, my paycheck, my career, my law degree - everything I worked so hard to get, in order to stay home and be your mom full-time.  I would do it in a heartbeat.  I love that you and Daddy have a great relationship, but I get SO JEALOUS that he gets to spend so much time with you, and that sometimes you prefer to play with him.  But that's only part of it.  I want to stay home because I realize that being a mom - being your mom - is so much more important than anything I can do in my office or as a lawyer in general.  And it wouldn't bore me at all - I would love every second of it.  That's the other thing I realized - that being a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean that all my education would be wasted, or that I'd be bored or boring to others.  Because, after all, everything I've learned in my life - everything I've ever done - has just been in preparation to do the most important job ever - being your mom.  I also realized that I could never "lose myself" in motherhood, because that suggests that I'm something other than a mother, too, and I know now that I'm not.  Yes, I'm a lawyer, and a wife, and a daughter, and a sister, and a friend, but "MOM" is the overrarching term that describes who I am now.  I'm always "mom," even when I'm also "lawyer" and "wife."  There is no losing myself in that, because it is myself.  If that makes any sense at all...  :)   Anyway, I totally understand now why staying at home is completely fulfilling to some women, and I think it's a credit to my sex that we're so happy to do - and capable of doing - such an important job.  In no way does being a full-time mom fly in the face of gender equality.

As much as everything I've said is true, the bottom line is, I need to work.  Mommy spent A LOT of money on law school.  A LOT.  So, Daddy and I need the money I bring home to keep a roof over your head.  But I also think I work for another, more important reason:  to be a good role model for you.  I want you to grow up seeing your mom, a woman, as a smart, successful person.  I want you to see that our family works very well by inverting the traditional gender role of the man being the breadwinner.  I want you to see that Daddy and I work very much together to do this.  And I want you to learn that women can be everything - loving mommies, and awesome career women.  Maybe that will be the most important lesson you learn from me.

I love you to the moon, and back!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Traveling with a Bug

Dear Bug,

This weekend Mommy took you on your very first plane ride to see Grandma and Grandpa in New York.  Daddy couldn't come with us because he had to work, so it was just you and me.  I thought flying would be easier than driving, and I was probably right.  But flying with you definitely was not easy.

First of all, when we got to Baltimore Daddy was a nervous wreck.  He was so afraid that something would happen to me and you on the plane and that we wouldn't get to New York safely.  That made Mommy worry.  But after Daddy calmed down, Mommy still had to deal with airport security.  That totally sucked.  You were in your Ergo, so you were all comfy and cozy and being such a good boy.  But the airport people had to check your breastmilk to make sure there were no explosives in it, scan your stroller and my breastpump, and I had to carry you through security in my arms, and not in your Ergo.  Trying to hold you, fold up the stroller, unscrew the breastmilk bottles, take off my shoes, show my boarding pass, and do all this quickly so that I didn't make the person behind me mad, was exhausting.  But seriously, I felt like freaking Super-mom when I was done.  A veritable woman warrior for sure.

You were so good on the plane.  When we got to our seats you wanted to do jumps until we took off.  I fed you a bottle so that your ears wouldn't pop, and then you made smiley faces and giggled with the little girl in front of us the entire time.  Her name was Cassidy, and she was 11 months old.  You love those older women.  Anyway, everyone on the plane said you were such the perfect gentleman on the flight.  Thank God, because handling all your gear in the airport was very stressful for Mommy.  If you had been a cranky Bug, things would have been so much worse.

You had fun with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend.  Grandma hugged you and played with you and sang to you.  She did all this at 5 in the morning, so Mommy could sleep a little.  Grandma rocks for this.  Aunt Warnen also got to spend some time with you.  You and she went on a "Bear Hunt," which you liked.  I think you liked it because it involved a lot of jumping.

You also got to spend a lot of time with Grandpa this weekend.  He's an odd old coot.  He made you a birdhouse and had Aunt Warnen decorate it and put your name on it.  He kept taking you to the back door to show you the Birdies that were moving in.  He thought they would move in soon, because, after all, Aunt Warnen had written "Welcome Birdies" on the birdhouse.  What bird wouldn't feel right at home?  Anyway, as of this posting the Birdies had yet to move in.  But don't worry, Grandpa is keeping Mommy updated.  And now you have something to do when you go visit Grandma and Grandpa in the springtime.

It was nice having Mommy-Buggie time this weekend.  We spent a lot of time alone together.  We had the flight, of course, but then we had all night to snuggle.  It was rough on Mommy, because usually Daddy takes you for a little while at night, but this weekend it was all on me.  It was nice, though.  You're the most precious thing to wake up to.  And I loved our bonding time.  But we were both so happy to come home to Daddy after the weekend was over.  You smiled so big when you saw him, and he grabbed you from me and squeezed you so tight!  I think it will be a long time before we travel without Daddy again, because we miss him so much when we're away!

I love you to the moon, and back!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Bug at Seven Months

Dear Bug,

You are seven months old today!  Yay!  You've made some changes to your repertoire in the last month.  You're growing into such a big boy and you get awesomer and awesomer every day.

You've made some huge strides in the eating arena this past month.  Now you eat mangoes, pears, apples, bananas, prunes, pumpkin, peaches (which you don't seem to like), sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots and winter squash.  You also eat oatmeal and rice cereal twice a day.  Feeding you is always a good time.  It's a challenge to get the spoon past your flying fists and into your little mouth.  If you are successful in grabbing the spoon, though, whatever is on it is jammed into your mouth first before being flung onto the shutters nearby, your hair, Mommy's face, or Clyde.  Then you laugh at what you've done.  Like I've said before, you're a really good eater.  The only thing you don't seem to like is peaches, which is totally fine with me.  You eat whatever is fed to you without any problems (beyond trying to grab the spoon and do it all yourself, that is).  I've tried to make a "MMMM-AHHH" sound to you when I feed you so that you'll learn how to say "Mama" before you say "Dada."  We'll see how that works.  :)

Sleeping has also really improved since your half-birthday.  Now you sleep from 7 to 2 or 3 in the morning before you wake up to eat.  When you start whining I go in to your room to get you.  You're usually face down ass up and turned around in your crib.  It's really funny.  Then when you hear me open the door you start rocking back and forth on your belly and giggling.  That's what makes it so hard to be a little peeved at being woken up in the middle of the night.  Your cuteness just takes over and makes me smile.  Then I take you into my bed with me (Daddy's been on the couch because he's had a really bad cold and snores, which wakes you and me up) and you drink your bottle and go right back to sleep.  I lay you flat on the bed next to me, and you turn on your side and bury your face into my pillow.  You put your little hand on the pillow next to my face, and I hold your hand and fall asleep.  It's the best thing EVER.  The only downside is that I hate getting out of bed in the morning; I'd much rather stay cuddled up with you.  So, Mommy has been late to work quite a bit this month.  Oh, well.

Your athletic ability has improved greatly, as well.  A month ago you weren't really a fan of rolling over.  Now, you do it all the time.  The second Daddy or I set you down on your play mat or your changing table, you roll onto your belly and start grabbing for toys to put in your mouth.  After a few minutes you get annoyed with being on your belly and start fussing, but you won't turn yourself back over.  So I have to do it for you.  Then, almost immediately, you roll from your back to your belly again.  Whatever.  If a toy is out of your reach, you can almost push yourself onto your hands and knees and thrust yourself forward toward the toy.  It's the beginning of crawling, and I'm scared.  Once you're mobile, there's no telling what will happen...

Sitting unsupported isn't going too well - you still don't seem to want to do it.  It's weird, too, because you'll stand up by yourself if you have something to hold on to.  I think you might be walking before you sit unsupported.  But maybe you just like having Mommy sit behind you, right? 

You still really like to do Steps and Jumps and wrestle with Daddy.  You're also still a big fan of your Jumperoo, and you can jump even higher now since your legs actually reach the ground.  You've decided that Elvis the Elephant is your favorite toy.  You carry it around with you when Daddy or I bring you from room to room, and you always have Elvis in your mouth.  Daddy and I also started pushing you in your stroller without the car seat insert.  You just lounge there all cool and stuff and watch the world go by.  You bring Elvis with you, of course.

So, that's you at seven months!  You are such a big boy now.  I can't believe how fast you're growing and how quickly time is passing.  You are and forever will be the most amazing part of my life - I love you so much, my big, big, Buggie-boy!

I love you to the moon, and back!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Dear Bug,

Mommy is a reader.  I've loved reading ever since I was little and even made a career out of it for a short time.  I still read a lot, but not as much as I used to before you came along.  Now I read for myself only after you go to bed; otherwise, I read your stories to you and try to share my love of reading with my Bug.

Every night before bed, we read.  Right now, you sit on my lap and listen quietly for about two minutes before you start grabbing for the book and trying to eat the pages.  Last week, you tried to put "Scuffy the Tugboat" into your mouth and got a little paper cut across your cheek.  So now I give you something to chew on while we read so you don't interfere with the process.  I also want to teach you how to respect books, and chewing on them is definitely a sign of disrespect.

I've been reading to you since you were a few days old.  The day after we brought you home from the hospital I read you "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" during the 30 minutes or so that you were awake that day.  It was fun reading to you back then, because you laid still and watched my face intently while I read.  But usually you dozed off before the book was over and didn't show any reaction at all to the different voices I used to tell the story.  Even though you try to eat the books now, at least you're more involved with reading.  And I look forward to the day when you can start understanding the stories and all that.  But for now, books just make you hungry, and that's okay.

You have a rather impressive library.  I tried getting you some of my favorite books as a kid, like "The Velveteen Rabbit," "The Monster at the End of this Book," "The Tale of Peter Rabbit," and "Love You Forever."  I also bought you a book of Emily Dickinson's poems, because Emily Dickinson is Mommy's favorite poet.  The few times we read her poems together you smiled at me, because it all sounds like I'm singing you a little song.  Maybe you'll be a poet like Emily someday.

Every Saturday morning, we go to Storytime at Barnes and Noble.  Storytime is freaking awesome.  Usually they read two or three books, and sometimes they have a character from one of the books come visit.  When Maisy came to visit one time, you went crazy!  You flapped your arms like a harpy and cooed and drooled all over my lap.  It was awesome.  Mostly, though, you just like watching and grinning at the other kids at Storytime.  Then, when Storytime actually begins, you're all ears.

You are by far the youngest kid at Storytime, but you are also the most well-behaved.  We sit on a little bench in front of the stage and watch the lady read a few books, and you smile every time she looks up at you.  She always thinks that you're smiling at the story, but she's wrong.  You're just a flirt.  Anyway, after every Storytime she comes up to me to tell me how good a listener you are, and how you are her favorite Storytime participant.  I keep it a secret that, if you were only closer to the books, you'd be more interested in eating them than anything else.

Bringing you to Storytime is my favorite thing to do with you.  We always go alone together because Daddy works Saturday mornings.  And, it seems to me, that the perfect Mommy-Bug time is best spent in a library or a book store, since I want to share my most favorite thing with my most favorite person, you.  Maybe when you grow up you won't like reading as much as I do, and maybe we won't be able to talk about books like I hope we can.  But for the time being, you seem to enjoy trying to gobble your way through our own personal storytime, and you certainly LOVE going to Storytime on Saturday mornings.  And I love the time I spend with books, and you. 

I love you to the moon, and back!