Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dear Bug,

Oh, dude.  The other night when I was getting you ready for your bath, you did a funny thing.  Daddy was out with Uncle Mario, so it was just you and me.  I put you down - naked - onto the bathroom floor while I filled up the tub.  You were sitting very still like a good boy, giggling and farting and smiling and doing "So Big!" and farting and giggling.  You were so CUTE!!  When your bath was ready, I picked you up, and saw it.  A poo right on my bathroom floor.  Mister Dude!!  I had to wipe your hiney and sanitize my floor before I plunked you down in the water.  Crazy Bug.

I love you so!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

First Word

Dear Bug,

On Saturday you said your first word!  Mommy was packing up your diaper bag to take you with me to a baby shower.  I was putting your Mets bat into your bag, and when you saw it, you very clearly said, "Bat!"  It was awesome!  Such a manly first word, too - Daddy is over the moon.  I personally thought your first word was "Mama," since you've been babbling that for a few weeks now.  But it hasn't been clear whether you associate me with your babbling, so Daddy and I couldn't decide whether or not that was your first word.  He was leaning towards not counting it, though, because it wasn't "Dada."  Mean.  But, "Bat!" it is!  I'm so proud of you!

On a side note, you were caught slipping your little hand up the dress of a little girl at the baby shower.  Everyone thinks you're a freaking stud.  

I love you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

Dear Bug,

You gave me the most wonderful Mother's Day ever, little dude!  First you gave me a card that you chewed on.  The corners were soggy and missing, and I had to swipe my finger through your mouth to remove the pieces you tried to swallow.  Inside the card you had traced your hand just for me!  And you wrote me the most special message ever.  I didn't cry, but I wanted to.  And on the card was a little purple plastic bracelet that says "Mom."  I put it on and haven't taken it off since.  I'll wear it until the day I die.  Or until it gets lost.

You also gave Mommy beautiful flowers (that are still alive three days later!  Yay!) and a digital picture frame so I can watch a slideshow of you at work all day long.  It's like a Buggie Movie.  I freaking love it.  We went to lunch together at the Cheesecake Factory, and you were such a good boy.  You made eyes at a lady with a hat and flirted with the waitress.  And then you pooped at the table.  But, because it was Mother's Day, Daddy changed your diaper.  It was awesome!

But the best part of Mother's Day was getting to spend the day with you, my little Bug.  I love you SO much and I consider myself lucky to be your mom.  Every day with you is a gift, and even though I loved my presents, getting hugs and kisses from you make me feel like the most special girl in the world.  Thank you for being my baby, Bug!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear Bug,

Oh, Mister Dude.  You did NOT sleep well last night, my friend.  You were up giggling, smacking Mommy and Daddy in the face, farting, and trying to crawl off the bed.  You slept in fits - I woke up once to find you lying across my stomach, with your head on one side, feet on the other, totally passed out.  It didn't last though - fifteen minutes later you pulled my hair.  Oh Buggie.

I had to go to work late this morning so I could sleep a little!  But you slept for two and a half hours at Eliana's.  Crazy Bug.

Hope tonight is better.  But it's really hard to be annoyed at you when you're so freaking cute.

I love you to the moon, and back!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Bug at Nine Months

Dear Bug,

You turned 9 months old on Saturday!  Such a big boy!  I know I've said it before, but I really can't believe how fast time is going and how quickly you're growing.  I was looking at pictures of you when you were first born, and you were so tiny.  Now you're this grown up looking little boy and I wonder where my itsy bitsy Buggie went.  But you are so cool at this age. 

You aren't crawling, yet.  And I stress the "yet."  You can pull yourself along the floor on your belly with your arms, like an army commando.  Aunt Warnen says you look like Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump.  That's mean, but she's right.  You're so fast, too - I was filling up your bath tub the other night and when I looked into your bedroom to check on you you had dragged yourself all the way across the room and were heading toward a power strip.  I told you "no," turned you around, and went to finish drawing your bath.  But less than 30 seconds later you were back across the room.  It was crazy.  I bet you'd win if I entered  you into the Preakness: cute baby category.

Speaking of cute babies, you met Sophia for the first time this month, too!  She's your second cousin, and you two were awesome together.  She's nine weeks older than you and she can crawl really well.  You were totally keeping up with her, though, by doing the Lieutenant Dan.  No problems.  I think you two really liked each other.  I hope we can see Sophia again really soon.

Grandma also bought you a walker this month so that you can practice walking.  You love it!  Two nights ago I put you in the walker and we went for a walk around our neighborhood.  I held your hand and we walked, very slowly, side by side.  It was freaking awesome.  Doesn't take much to make Mommy happy, huh Bug?

You had your second plane ride this month, learned how to clap hands and turn on the CD player, dyed Easter eggs for the first time, started laughing when I tell you "no," and have developed an obsession with Clyde, who doesn't really care about you.  Crazy beagle.

All in all, it's been another awesome month.  You are the light of my life, baby Bug.  I love you more and more each day.



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Bug,

It's just you and me tonight, Bug!  Daddy has to go to class, so you and I get to hang out all by ourselves!  Yay!

You were so cute last night.  When you woke up to come into our bed you drank your bottle quickly, farted REALLY LOUDLY and then snuggled up close to Mommy and passed out.  I hugged you so tight and was just so happy.  Then Mommy passed out, too.  :)

I think you and I will take a walk in your walker tonight after Daddy leaves.  It'll be like a little date.  I wish I could just smoosh your face right now!

I love you!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear Bug,

I am so jealous of Daddy right now.  I'm stuck at work, and you and he are outside on this nice day taking a walk.  I want to punch him in the weiner.

I miss you, Bug!  I can't wait to see you when I get home!
