Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Bug,

Oh, Mr. Pants.  The last few weeks you have really started to become more like a little kid and less like a baby.  It's so cool watching you learn things and it's so much more fun to hang out with you now!

First, you point at everything and say "This!"  It kind of comes out sounding like, "Dish!" but we won't be too picky.  Sometimes the first thing you do in the morning is point and "This!" and sometimes you point and "This!" in the middle of the night before farting and falling back to sleep.  It's awesome.

You've also started saying "Mom Mom Mom" sometimes.  Even though I wish that you were referring to me, I don't think you are.  I think you're trying to say "more" or "Mum-Mum" (your favorite snack) since you usually say "mommommom" around feeding time.  And feeding time is getting so interesting!  You eat real food now.  You ate the chicken Mommy made for you the other night with some mushrooms, and last night you had pot roast with potatoes and carrots.  When you want another bite you bang on your high-chair tray and grunt.  I love it.

You also sometimes sass Mommy.  If I tell you that we're cleaning up to go to bed, you hand me your container of blocks and grunt, which means I have to open it.  But when I say no, you shake your fingers at me and babble babble and point and "This!" and babble babble.  You are obviously very worked up over my refusal to open the blocks container.  I try to look serious and tell you "No" more firmly, but sometimes I just laugh cause you look so funny.

I love your little personality!  Every day you're growing into a bigger Bug and I love every minute of it!
