Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Bug at 8 Months

Dear Bug,

Yesterday you turned 8 months old.  Yay!  You are growing at bionic speed, and you're learning new things every day.  There have been so many changes this month and I can't even believe what a big boy you are.  My little Bug!

You can sit up all by yourself now!  It's so cool - I just put your hiney down on the floor and lay some toys out in front of you, and you can sit and play for hours.  You mastered that skill overnight it seems - one day you were flopping over onto me, and the next day you were able to stay upright all by yourself!  I always knew you'd be a freaking genius with incredible core strength.  Just like your Mom.  

You also got two teeth this month!  You were acting like such a crab-apple for about a week - you would be happy for about five minutes and then would start whining for no reason.  Daddy and I would make sure you were fed and dry and well-rested, but you were still unhappy!  Then you put the Stink Nose on Daddy during one of your wrestling matches, and you really hurt Daddy's nose.  So I checked your gums, and, sure enough, you had two little teeth poking through!  You stopped acting like a crab-apple after that.  But, you still have to grow 18 more teeth, so I'm expecting the crab-apple-ness to return.  But, whatevs.

You've also learned a new trick - you can do "So Big!"  When I ask you, "How big is Nolan?" you put both of your hands over your head and I say, "So Big!"  You only do this sometimes because, after all, you're not a trained monkey.  But it's awesome when you cooperate.  You also started eating Mum-Mums, which are these cracker things.  They end up everywhere, but you love them.  I really like them, too, cause they're super tasty.  So I eat whatever doesn't make it in your mouth.  We're a great team that way.

You're not exactly ready to crawl yet, but you can get on your hands and knees and rock back and forth.  I bet in your 9 month update I'll be able to say that you're crawling.  To be honest, though, I'm not looking forward to it.  I like that when I set you down in one place, you'll pretty much stay there (though you may be all turned around, since you can "spin" on your belly).  Crawling will make you harder to track.  I may have to install a chip in your neck.

I don't think there were many other firsts this month.  Daddy and I took you to the park on the first warm day this month, and you went on the swings and down the slide.

I think the whole thing might have been more fun for Daddy and me, though.  As you know, Daddy loves slides, and Mommy is a big fan of swings.  We were super excited to take you to the park, and, though you seemed to enjoy it, I don't think the park made you super psyched.  Oh, well.

So, that's you at 8 months, Buggy!  You are the sweetest boy in the whole world, and I love you more than anything.
I love you to the moon, and back!

Love, Mommy

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