Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Bug at Seven Months

Dear Bug,

You are seven months old today!  Yay!  You've made some changes to your repertoire in the last month.  You're growing into such a big boy and you get awesomer and awesomer every day.

You've made some huge strides in the eating arena this past month.  Now you eat mangoes, pears, apples, bananas, prunes, pumpkin, peaches (which you don't seem to like), sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots and winter squash.  You also eat oatmeal and rice cereal twice a day.  Feeding you is always a good time.  It's a challenge to get the spoon past your flying fists and into your little mouth.  If you are successful in grabbing the spoon, though, whatever is on it is jammed into your mouth first before being flung onto the shutters nearby, your hair, Mommy's face, or Clyde.  Then you laugh at what you've done.  Like I've said before, you're a really good eater.  The only thing you don't seem to like is peaches, which is totally fine with me.  You eat whatever is fed to you without any problems (beyond trying to grab the spoon and do it all yourself, that is).  I've tried to make a "MMMM-AHHH" sound to you when I feed you so that you'll learn how to say "Mama" before you say "Dada."  We'll see how that works.  :)

Sleeping has also really improved since your half-birthday.  Now you sleep from 7 to 2 or 3 in the morning before you wake up to eat.  When you start whining I go in to your room to get you.  You're usually face down ass up and turned around in your crib.  It's really funny.  Then when you hear me open the door you start rocking back and forth on your belly and giggling.  That's what makes it so hard to be a little peeved at being woken up in the middle of the night.  Your cuteness just takes over and makes me smile.  Then I take you into my bed with me (Daddy's been on the couch because he's had a really bad cold and snores, which wakes you and me up) and you drink your bottle and go right back to sleep.  I lay you flat on the bed next to me, and you turn on your side and bury your face into my pillow.  You put your little hand on the pillow next to my face, and I hold your hand and fall asleep.  It's the best thing EVER.  The only downside is that I hate getting out of bed in the morning; I'd much rather stay cuddled up with you.  So, Mommy has been late to work quite a bit this month.  Oh, well.

Your athletic ability has improved greatly, as well.  A month ago you weren't really a fan of rolling over.  Now, you do it all the time.  The second Daddy or I set you down on your play mat or your changing table, you roll onto your belly and start grabbing for toys to put in your mouth.  After a few minutes you get annoyed with being on your belly and start fussing, but you won't turn yourself back over.  So I have to do it for you.  Then, almost immediately, you roll from your back to your belly again.  Whatever.  If a toy is out of your reach, you can almost push yourself onto your hands and knees and thrust yourself forward toward the toy.  It's the beginning of crawling, and I'm scared.  Once you're mobile, there's no telling what will happen...

Sitting unsupported isn't going too well - you still don't seem to want to do it.  It's weird, too, because you'll stand up by yourself if you have something to hold on to.  I think you might be walking before you sit unsupported.  But maybe you just like having Mommy sit behind you, right? 

You still really like to do Steps and Jumps and wrestle with Daddy.  You're also still a big fan of your Jumperoo, and you can jump even higher now since your legs actually reach the ground.  You've decided that Elvis the Elephant is your favorite toy.  You carry it around with you when Daddy or I bring you from room to room, and you always have Elvis in your mouth.  Daddy and I also started pushing you in your stroller without the car seat insert.  You just lounge there all cool and stuff and watch the world go by.  You bring Elvis with you, of course.

So, that's you at seven months!  You are such a big boy now.  I can't believe how fast you're growing and how quickly time is passing.  You are and forever will be the most amazing part of my life - I love you so much, my big, big, Buggie-boy!

I love you to the moon, and back!

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