Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Bug at Nine Months

Dear Bug,

You turned 9 months old on Saturday!  Such a big boy!  I know I've said it before, but I really can't believe how fast time is going and how quickly you're growing.  I was looking at pictures of you when you were first born, and you were so tiny.  Now you're this grown up looking little boy and I wonder where my itsy bitsy Buggie went.  But you are so cool at this age. 

You aren't crawling, yet.  And I stress the "yet."  You can pull yourself along the floor on your belly with your arms, like an army commando.  Aunt Warnen says you look like Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump.  That's mean, but she's right.  You're so fast, too - I was filling up your bath tub the other night and when I looked into your bedroom to check on you you had dragged yourself all the way across the room and were heading toward a power strip.  I told you "no," turned you around, and went to finish drawing your bath.  But less than 30 seconds later you were back across the room.  It was crazy.  I bet you'd win if I entered  you into the Preakness: cute baby category.

Speaking of cute babies, you met Sophia for the first time this month, too!  She's your second cousin, and you two were awesome together.  She's nine weeks older than you and she can crawl really well.  You were totally keeping up with her, though, by doing the Lieutenant Dan.  No problems.  I think you two really liked each other.  I hope we can see Sophia again really soon.

Grandma also bought you a walker this month so that you can practice walking.  You love it!  Two nights ago I put you in the walker and we went for a walk around our neighborhood.  I held your hand and we walked, very slowly, side by side.  It was freaking awesome.  Doesn't take much to make Mommy happy, huh Bug?

You had your second plane ride this month, learned how to clap hands and turn on the CD player, dyed Easter eggs for the first time, started laughing when I tell you "no," and have developed an obsession with Clyde, who doesn't really care about you.  Crazy beagle.

All in all, it's been another awesome month.  You are the light of my life, baby Bug.  I love you more and more each day.



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